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Rebranding productivity

Alludo/Corel (via DesignStudio)

Brand strategy, brand architecture, naming

NYX marcomms; Brand strategy comms - Gold

Muse; Corporate identity - Gold

The world had changed alot since Corel was founded in 1985 and MS DOS reigned. As the internet took over and demands for efficiency ruled the software waves - cloud-based productivity apps dominated. In contrast to their competitors, Corel were a product and profit-led business that invested in features over innovation and product benefits over brand. They found themselves playing catch up.

A bold new era was needed, spearheaded by a brand new leadership team. They had big plans to shake up the business internally - to make work feel less like work - and that was being reflected in a brave product vision. The problem was the productivity space was built on a “do more in less hours” proposition. A proposition built for bottom lines, not people. And a proposition at odds with everything we knew about the company. We needed to show that the most effective and efficient work is actually done when you break free from expected productivity norms.

REthinking family holidays

Twenty Sundays

Brand strategy, naming, design

If you’ve got kids under the age of 5 - family hotels, all-inclusives and kid’s clubs are just not fit for purpose. They’ve remained largely undisrupted since Club Med opened it’s doors in the 50s. It was time to update the experience with a proposition that turns the hardest years of parenting into the happiest memories for families.

Imagining the Metaverse without headsets

Meta (via Metallic)

Cultural strategy, comms strategy, experiential creative

When you talk about the Metaverse, to most it may seem like an intangible, unimaginable concept. Something that only begins to come to life with a VR headset. Meta knew they had a highly engaged and excited audience in Nigerian creators that they could work with to promote their products to an African audience - but one big problem. A lack of headsets.

This demanded a cultural strategy that put the creative power in the hands of Nigerian digital creators who were already transcending real-world limitations, and give them the tools to take their ideas to the next level. Leveraging Meta’s NFT marketplace, AR and avatar technology we developed a mixed reality concert that showcased creativity, imagination and a phone, as the only tools you really need to enter the Metaverse.

Building an iconic wine brand


Brand strategy, naming. brand design, cultural strategy, packaging,

When the founders came to us with a brief, they had an idea for a product (canned wine) and one request: “Make us the Babe Wine of Europe”. A tall order - Babe had a CAGR of 2000% and was owned by one of instagram’s biggest influencers in America. But nonetheless, the sentiment remained - to build an iconic brand.

After a quick dive into Babe’s problematic ownership, against a backdrop of female empowerment our research revealed how wrong this would go if we replicated it tonally in the UK. Instead we drew on the insight that our audience loved wine but didn’t really care about wine. They could think of a thousand occasions for wine but not a single brand name. In order to grab their attention, we had to make our product more of a fashion accessory than a food accessory. And it had to have an attitude that spoke to our confident, expressive, empaths with a healthy dose of British cynicism.

Making no-alcohol beer a choice not a sacrifice

Lucky Saint

Brand strategy, creative, photography, film

Lucky Saint had no problem with product penetration - they had the best tasting, best looking no-alc beer on the market. But there was a disconnect between how the product looked in hand, and how the brand presented everywhere else. We were tasked with closing the gap, creating a brand the heretics would adore and disciples would follow. Leaning into its biblical references we created a world that pulled on the thread of ‘taste everything, sacrifice nothing’.

The world’s best spread

Sometimes the best approach is an instant gut reaction, and nothing proved that more than the Manilife project. Competitor research, trend research, consumer research - it can often present too formally. At its worst, an over-zealous strategic approach will overlook your judgement of the product staring you in the face. Which in this case was peanut butter. It just so happened to be the best peanut butter we’d ever tasted. That anyone we spoke to had ever tasted, in fact. The answer was so simple - match your fan’s belief in the product. So with that “Peanut Butter Like No Other” was born.


Brand strategy, copy, brand design, photography

In progress


In progress 〰️

Creating the world’s most empathetic health-tech

Undisclosed tech group

Brand strategy, brand architecture, product strategy

In a health and fitness world focussed on fastest, strongest, leanest, fittest, how do we get a generation who have grown up with the aesthetic demands of social media to care more about living longer? Use tech to help them intimately connect with their internal signals and nurture a love from within.

Special Release Whisky: a cause for celebration

Diageo (via Something inc)

Cultural strategy

Top shelf, special release Whisky is an unlikely place to start for a novice Whisky drinker, so how do we get them to spend three times the money on a bottle? Usurp champagne as the drink of choice for intimate celebratory moments.

Using discounts to enable curiosity


Brand, Marketing, CSR and UX strategy

Unidays is an e-commerce platform that connects brands to the biggest network of verified students in the world, but to date it’s been a transactional relationship motivated by discounts and offers. The brand suffers at the expense of reactionary purchases. So, how do we elevate Unidays role and build brand equity with members first? Leverage discounts as a way to enable students’ natural curiosity - give them more opportunities to experiment with and nurture their identity, during a pivotal moment of personal growth.