We are a team of independent consultants that work together to offer nimble, affordable and simple branding sprints without the agency overheads - perfect for nascent companies who need to figure out what they do best, and how to package that magic to win hearts, quickly.


You will have a dedicated strategist, designer and copywriter, who will work in sprints, getting you to solutions and ideas efficiently.

All members of your team will be on the project throughout either leading their sprint or supporting/advising. It means everyone is fully engaged and focussed ’til the end. No other clients and pitches to distract us.

We aim to get you from a standing start to a fully executional brand within 2 months and for up to 1/4 of the average agency price for the same talent and outputs.

Pay for people not pot plants


Pay for people not pot plants 〰️

3 week sprint + 1 week feedback

Brand strategy is the foundations of your building. You cannot, nor should not, design until you have a solid footing.

The aim here is to crystallise what you do, who you do it for, how you do it and why you’re the best at the doing it. But the magic comes from getting all of that into a unique brand idea and framework that only you can deliver.  

This work provides the springboard for a watertight design brief and ensures everything you do from now on, will come from your unique point of view.  

Brand strategy AND BRAND IDEA

  • We very coherently present everything we know about your ambitions, the world, your consumers and the opportunities that are up for grabs.

  • We will explore three topline brand territories - the unique directions you can take your brand each with a slightly different set of attitudes, principles, offerings and audiences.

    Each direction will be a:

    1. Brand idea / hook

    2. 2.Paragraph to explain the territory

    3. Moodboard of executional ideas

  • We take one territory forward and develop it into a final brand strategy framework. The presentation will outline what you do, who you do it for, and how you will win over competitors.

  • All of the above distilled into a final, easy to understand and execute document you can share with your team.


2 week sprint + 2 weeks feedback

Imagine how hard it is naming your child. Now imagine that you can’t pick the same name as anyone else’s child. Or even a similar name. And that everyone, including your second cousin, has to love it. 

Naming is personal, and can be really (really) difficult to agree on. But the process doesn’t have to be hard. Getting to a good outcome requires a good understanding of how names work, a really solid brand strategy that gives you exciting areas and themes to explore, and lots and lots and lots of ideas…seriously, thousands.   

  • A naming brief that outlines our dos and don’ts for the naming process e.g. trends to ignore, cues to explore, and the narrative threads from our brand strategy we should pull on.

  • Together we will workshop names under three topline naming territories that include

    1. Narrative theme + description

    2. Example names + descriptions.

    3. Moodboard of attitudes and feelings they evoke

  • We will deliver a long list of names and our shortlised favourites. These will include a short narrative, explanation, and use in sentences. Each one will be tested through google to ensure website availability, and no immediate competitors.

  • A short list of names including short narrative, explanation, and use in sentences. These will be initially tested via a legal expert outlining potential trademark risks.

  • A final list of three names that will be submitted for assessment by legal expert and a full risk report produced.


4 week sprint + 1 week feedback

The fun bit - bringing your brand to life.

Using our brand idea and framework as guardrails, we will explore all the ways your could express yourself. 

Naturally the permeations are endless but our job is to refine strategic thinking into routes that will best serve your ambitions, and most importantly your customers. You’ll see how your brands looks, feels and behaves in a variety of different settings from website to product and more. 

  • Using our brand idea and building on our design research we will build our guardrails and opportunities into a creative brief for all to sign off.

  • Together we’ll explore three topline design concepts that explore the different expressions. Each direction will show:

    1. Overarching concept title

    2. Paragraph to explain the concept

    3. Scamps of ideas

    4. Personality / Attitude pillars

  • We will take one territory forward and develop it into a brand draft exploring logos, colours, treatments.

  • Here we develop a final route to include mock up executions across 5 pre -agreed outputs (e.g. website homepage, product, socks, a van wrap).

  • All of the above distilled into your brand guidelines - with clear instructions on how to execute it across formats.